
HTML Example

For this you need a web browser, say FireFox or Mozilla. You can try this in the robodoc root directory. It creates a document called HDocs/masterindex.html plus a lot of smaller documents from all the source files in the directory Source.

robodoc --src ./Source --doc ./HDocs --multidoc --index --html

RTF Example

For this you need an rtf reader, for instance Word. You can try this in the robodoc root directory.

robodoc --src ./Source --doc api --singledoc --rtf --sections

This will create a document called api.rtf.

By default the document looks pretty plain. There is no chapter numbering or a table of contents, even if you asked for it. All the information for this is included but not visible. This is because chapter numbering and a table of contents are generated by Word based on formatting information that is part of a Word document but not part of a RTF document.

To make it visible you include the generated document into a bigger document with the right formatting options. This is best done with a cut-and-paste operation. Use the cut-past-paste special menu, and paste it as RTF formatted text into your Word document.

LaTeX Example

For this you need latex and makeindex. You can try this in the robodoc root directory. It creates a single document called api.dvi from all the source files in the directory Source.

robodoc --src ./Source --doc api --singledoc --latex --sections
latex api.tex
latex api.tex
makeindex api.idx
latex api.tex
xdvi api.dvi

XML DocBook Example

For this you need xmlto You can try this in the robodoc root directory. It creates a single document called api.xml from all the source files in the directory Source. The xmlto then creates a browsable HTML document from this.

robodoc --src ./Source --doc api --singledoc --dbxml --sections
xmlto html api.xml

To create a PDF document use:

xmlto pdf api.xml