Utilities/RB_Change_To_Docdir [ Functions ]


Saves current working directory and then changes to document dir


void RB_Change_To_Docdir(
    char *docname )
    char                tmp[TEMP_BUF_SIZE], *namestart;
    int                 len;

    // Check if we have a valid directory name in the docname
    namestart = strrchr( docname, '/' );
    if ( namestart == NULL )
        RB_Panic( "Unable to get the directory name of '%s'", docname );

    // Just for sure
    RB_Change_Back_To_CWD(  );

    // Save CWD
    getcwd( tmp, sizeof( tmp ) );
    cwd = RB_StrDup( tmp );

    // Get the name of doc directory and change into it
    len = namestart - docname;
    strncpy( tmp, docname, len );
    tmp[len] = 0;
    chdir( tmp );