HTML_Generator/RB_Create_CSS [ Functions ]


Create the .css file. Unless the user specified it's own css file robodoc creates a default one.

For multidoc mode the name of the .css file is


For singledoc mode the name of the .css file is equal to the name of the documentation file.


void RB_Create_CSS(
    struct RB_Document *document )



    size_t              l = 0;
    FILE               *css_file;

    /* compute the complete path to the css file */
    if ( ( document->actions.do_singledoc ) ||
         ( document->actions.do_singlefile ) )
        char               *extension = ".css";

        l += strlen( document->singledoc_name );
        l += strlen( extension );
        css_name = malloc( l );
        strcpy( css_name, document->singledoc_name );
        strcat( css_name, extension );
        struct RB_Path     *docroot = document->docroot;
        char               *docrootname = docroot->name;
        char               *filename = "robodoc.css";

        l = strlen( filename );
        l += strlen( docrootname );
        css_name = malloc( l );
        strcpy( css_name, docrootname );
        strcat( css_name, filename );

    RB_Say( "Creating CSS file %s\n", SAY_DEBUG, css_name );
    if ( document->css )
        /* The user specified its own css file,
         * so we use the content of that.
        RB_CopyFile( document->css, css_name );
        css_file = fopen( css_name, "w" );
        if ( css_file )
                    /** BEGIN BEGIN BEGIN Don't remove */
            fprintf( css_file,
                     "/****h* ROBODoc/ROBODoc Cascading Style Sheet\n"
                     " * FUNCTION\n"
                     " *   This is the default cascading style sheet for documentation\n"
                     " *   generated with ROBODoc.\n"
                     " *   You can edit this file to your own liking and then use\n"
                     " *   it with the option\n"
                     " *      --css <filename>\n"
                     " *\n"
                     " *   This style-sheet defines the following layout\n"
                     " *      +----------------------------------------+\n"
                     " *      |    logo                                |\n"
                     " *      +----------------------------------------+\n"
                     " *      |    extra                               |\n"
                     " *      +----------------------------------------+\n"
                     " *      |                              | navi-   |\n"
                     " *      |                              | gation  |\n"
                     " *      |      content                 |         |\n"
                     " *      |                              |         |\n"
                     " *      +----------------------------------------+\n"
                     " *      |    footer                              |\n"
                     " *      +----------------------------------------+\n"
                     " *\n"
                     " *   This style-sheet is based on a style-sheet that was automatically\n"
                     " *   generated with the Strange Banana stylesheet generator.\n"
                     " *   See\n"
                     " *\n"
                     " ******\n"
                     " * $Id: html_generator.c,v 1.93 2008/03/13 10:34:50 thuffir Exp $\n"
                     " */\n"
                     "    background-color:    rgb(255,255,255);\n"
                     "    color:               rgb(98,84,55);\n"
                     "    font-family:         Arial, serif;\n"
                     "    border-color:        rgb(226,199,143);\n"
                     "    font-family:      monospace;\n"
                     "    margin:      15px;\n"
                     "    padding:     5px;\n"
                     "    white-space: pre;\n"
                     "    color:       #000;\n"
                     "    background-color: #ffe;\n"
                     "    border: dashed #aa9 1px;\n"
                     "    margin:15px;\n"
                     "p.item_name \n"
                     "    font-weight: bolder;\n"
                     "    margin:5px;\n"
                     "    font-size: 120%%;\n"
                     "#content\n" "{\n" "    font-size:           100%%;\n" );
            fprintf( css_file,
                     "    color:               rgb(0,0,0);\n"
                     "    background-color:    rgb(255,255,255);\n"
                     "    border-left-width:   0px; \n"
                     "    border-right-width:  0px; \n"
                     "    border-top-width:    0px; \n"
                     "    border-bottom-width: 0px;\n"
                     "    border-left-style:   none; \n"
                     "    border-right-style:  none; \n"
                     "    border-top-style:    none; \n"
                     "    border-bottom-style: none;\n"
                     "    padding:             40px 31px 14px 17px;\n"
                     "    border-color:        rgb(0,0,0);\n"
                     "    text-align:          justify;\n"
                     "    background-color: rgb(98,84,55);\n"
                     "    color:            rgb(230,221,202);\n"
                     "    font-family:      \"Times New Roman\", serif;\n"
                     "    font-style:       normal;\n"
                     "    border-color:     rgb(0,0,0);\n"
                     "    font-size: 120%%;\n"
                     "    background-color:    rgb(0,0,0);\n"
                     "    color:               rgb(195,165,100);\n"
                     "    font-variant:        normal;\n"
                     "    text-transform:      none;\n"
                     "    font-weight:         normal;\n"
                     "    padding:             1px 8px 3px 1px;\n"
                     "    margin-left:         5px; \n"
                     "    margin-right:        5px; \n"
                     "    margin-top:          5px; \n"
                     "    margin-bottom:       5px;\n"
                     "    border-color:        rgb(159,126,57);\n"
                     "    text-align:          right;\n"
                     "#logo, #logo a\n"
                     "    font-size: 130%%;\n"
                     "    background-color:   rgb(198,178,135);\n"
                     "    color:              rgb(98,84,55);\n"
                     "    font-family:        Georgia, serif;\n"
                     "    font-style:         normal;\n"
                     "    font-variant:       normal;\n"
                     "    text-transform:     none;\n"
                     "    font-weight:        bold;\n"
                     "    padding:            20px 18px 20px 18px;\n"
                     "    border-color:       rgb(255,255,255);\n"
                     "    text-align:         right;\n"
                     "#extra, #extra a\n"
                     "    font-size: 128%%;\n"
                     "    background-color:    rgb(0,0,0);\n"
                     "    color:               rgb(230,221,202);\n"
                     "    font-style:          normal;\n"
                     "    font-variant:        normal;\n"
                     "    text-transform:      none;\n"
                     "    font-weight:         normal;\n" );
            fprintf( css_file,
                     "    border-left-width:   0px; \n"
                     "    border-right-width:  0px; \n"
                     "    border-top-width:    0px; \n"
                     "    border-bottom-width: 0px;\n"
                     "    border-left-style:   none; \n"
                     "    border-right-style:  none; \n"
                     "    border-top-style:    none; \n"
                     "    border-bottom-style: none;\n"
                     "    padding: 12px 12px 12px 12px;\n"
                     "    border-color:        rgb(195,165,100);\n"
                     "    text-align:          center;\n"
                     "#content a\n"
                     "    color:              rgb(159,126,57);\n"
                     "    text-decoration:    none;\n"
                     "#content a:hover, #content a:active\n"
                     "    color:              rgb(255,255,255);\n"
                     "    background-color:   rgb(159,126,57);\n"
                     "    display: block;\n"
                     "h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6\n"
                     "    background-color: rgb(221,221,221);\n"
                     "    font-family:      Arial, serif;\n"
                     "    font-style:       normal;\n"
                     "    font-variant:     normal;\n"
                     "    text-transform:   none;\n"
                     "    font-weight:      normal;\n"
                     "    font-size: 151%%;\n"
                     "    font-size: 142%%;\n"
                     "    font-size: 133%%;\n"
                     "    font-size: 124%%;\n"
                     "    font-size: 115%%;\n"
                     "    font-size: 106%%;\n"
                     "#navigation a\n"
                     "    text-decoration: none;\n"
                     "    background-color:   rgb(195,165,100);\n"
                     "    color:              rgb(0,0,0);\n"
                     "#extra a\n"
                     "    text-decoration: none;\n"
                     "#logo a\n"
                     "    text-decoration: none;\n"
                     "#extra a:hover\n"
                     "/* layout */\n"
                     "    width:       22%%; \n"
                     "    position:    relative; \n"
                     "    top:         0; \n"
                     "    right:       0; \n"
                     "    float:       right; \n"
                     "    text-align:  center;\n"
                     "    margin-left: 10px;\n"
                     ".menuitem       {width: auto;}\n"
                     "#content        {width: auto;}\n"
                     ".menuitem       {display: block;}\n" "\n" "\n" );
            fprintf( css_file,
                     "    background-color: rgb(198,178,135);\n"
                     "    color:      rgb(98,84,55);\n"
                     "    clear:      left;\n"
                     "    width:      100%%;\n"
                     "    font-size:   71%%;\n"
                     "div#footer a\n"
                     "    background-color: rgb(198,178,135);\n"
                     "    color:            rgb(98,84,55);\n"
                     "div#footer p\n"
                     "    margin:0;\n"
                     "    padding:5px 10px\n"
                     "    color: #00F;\n"
                     "    color: #080;\n"
                     "    color: #F00;\n"
                     "    color: #F0F;\n"
                     "    color: #008B8B;\n"
                     "    color: #808080;\n"
                     "@media print\n"
                     "    #navigation {display: none;}\n"
                     "    #content    {padding: 0px;}\n"
                     "    #content a  {text-decoration: underline;}\n"
                     "}\n" );
                    /** END END END Don't remove */
            fclose( css_file );
            RB_Panic( "Can't open %s for writing\n", css_name );