Headers/RB_Has_Remark_Marker [ Functions ]


Check if a line starts with a remark marker. This function assumes that the remark marker starts on the first character of the line.


int RB_Has_Remark_Marker(
    char *lline_buffer )




    unsigned int        marker = 0;
    unsigned int        marker_found = configuration.remark_markers.number;
    int                 found = FALSE;
    char               *space_pos = NULL;

    space_pos = strchr( lline_buffer, ' ' );

    /* Replace the first space on the line with a '\0'
     * this makes the comparison with the remark markers
     * much easier.
    if ( space_pos )
        *space_pos = '\0';

    if ( ( ( course_of_action.do_lockheader ) &&
           ( locked_remark_marker == NO_MARKER_LOCKED ) )
         || !( course_of_action.do_lockheader ) )
        for ( marker = 0; marker < configuration.remark_markers.number;
              marker++ )
            if ( RB_Str_Case_Cmp
                 ( lline_buffer,
                   configuration.remark_markers.names[marker] ) == 0 )
                marker_found = marker;
                found = TRUE;
        if ( RB_Str_Case_Cmp
             ( lline_buffer,
               configuration.remark_markers.names[locked_remark_marker] ) ==
             0 )
            marker_found = marker;
            found = TRUE;

    if ( found &&
         ( locked_remark_marker == NO_MARKER_LOCKED )
         && ( course_of_action.do_lockheader ) )
        assert( marker_found < configuration.remark_markers.number );
        locked_remark_marker = marker_found;
        RB_Say( "remark marker locked on %s\n", SAY_INFO,
                configuration.remark_markers.names[locked_remark_marker] );

    /* Restore the space we replaced with a '\0' */
    if ( space_pos )
        *space_pos = ' ';

    return found;