Document/RB_Document_Determine_DocFilePaths [ Functions ]


Determine the path of each of the documentation files based on the path of the source file and the documentation root path and the source root path.


void RB_Document_Determine_DocFilePaths(
    struct RB_Document *document )


srcpath = ./test/mysrc/sub1/sub2 srcroot = ./test/mysrc/ docroot = ./test/mydoc/


docpath = ./test/mydoc/sub1/sub2


    struct RB_Path     *path;
    int                 docroot_length;
    int                 srcroot_length;
    int                 length;

    assert( document->srctree );
    assert( document->srcroot );
    assert( document->docroot );

    docroot_length = strlen( document->docroot->name );
    srcroot_length = strlen( document->srcroot->name );

    for ( path = document->srctree->first_path; path; path = path->next )
        char               *name;
        char               *new_name;
        char               *tail;

        name = path->name;
        length = strlen( name );
        assert( length >= srcroot_length );
        tail = name + srcroot_length;
        new_name = calloc( docroot_length +
                           ( length - srcroot_length ) + 1, sizeof( char ) );
        assert( new_name );
        strcat( new_name, document->docroot->name );
        if ( document->actions.do_no_subdirectories )
            /* No subdirectory */
            strcat( new_name, tail );
        path->docname = new_name;