Analyser/Analyse_Item_Format [ Functions ]


Try to determine the formatting of an item. An empty line generates a new paragraph Things that are indented more that the rest of the text are preformatted. Things that start with a '*' or '-' create list items unless they are indented more that the rest of the text. SYNPOPSIS



    // If item is not empty
    if ( arg_item->no_lines )
        // If it is a SOURCE item
        if ( Works_Like_SourceItem( arg_item->type ) )
            // Preformat it like a SOURCE item
            Preformat_All( arg_item, TRUE );
        // Check if we have to analyse this item
        else if ( ( course_of_action.do_nopre
                    || Is_Format_Item( arg_item->type ) )
                  && !Is_Preformatted_Item( arg_item->type ) )
            // analyse item
            int                 indent = Analyse_Indentation( arg_item );

            Analyse_List( arg_item, indent );
            Analyse_Preformatted( arg_item, indent );
            Analyse_Paragraphs( arg_item );
        // If none of above, preformat item
            // Preformat it
            Preformat_All( arg_item, FALSE );
    // Item is empty
        // Do nothing